The General Plan Update process involves numerous community events and meetings and the completion of several interim documents, culminating with the creation of the General Plans. As events and meetings occur and documents are published, the associated materials will be posted on this page. Other documents that inform the planning process will also be posted here.
Project Documents
Draft General Plan
The project team has completed a Draft comprehensive update to the Lathrop General Plan. The Draft General Plan document (pdf) has been developed to meet all applicable requirements of State law, and was crafted with extensive input from the Lathrop community. The Draft General Plan includes the following elements:
- Land Use
- Circulation
- Economic Development
- Public Facilities
- Public Safety
- Recreation and Resources
- Noise
- Environmental Justice
- Implementation
Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations
The Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations (pdf) address the potential environmental effects associated with the General Plan Update, as described in the Draft Environmental Impact Report. These Findings are made pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.
Final EIR
The project team has completed the Final EIR (pdf). The Final EIR includes all public comments received on the Draft EIR, written responses to those comments, and minor edits and revisions to the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR is formally incorporated by reference into the Final EIR.
Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
The project team has completed the Draft EIR for the General Plan Update. The Draft EIR analyzes the potential environmental impacts associated with adoption and implementation of the General Plan. The EIR is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The City will accept comments on the Draft EIR through July 11, 2022 at 5pm.
The Draft EIR can be downloaded here (pdf).
The Draft EIR Appendices can be downloaded here (pdf).
Draft General Plan Land Use Map
As part of the General Plan Update, the City has proposed a series of revisions to the Land Use Map. The Preferred Draft Land Use Map can be downloaded here (pdf). A mark-up version of the Preferred Land Use Map, showing areas of proposed change, can be downloaded here (pdf).
Existing Conditions Report
The Existing Conditions Report (pdf) takes a "snapshot" of Lathrop’s current trends and conditions. It provides a detailed description of a wide range of topics within the city, such as demographic and economic conditions, land use, public facilities, and environmental resources. The Existing Conditions Report provides decision-makers, the public, and local agencies with context for making policy decisions.
Community Profile Magazine
To prepare a meaningful General Plan, existing conditions must be understood and documented. This Community Profile (pdf) summarizes key development patterns, natural resources, socioeconomic conditions, and environmental constraints in the city that must be considered when charting the course for Lathrop’s future.
Outreach Summary Report
This report (pdf) provides an overview of the outreach activities that have been conducted to date (Visioning Workshops, Online Survey, etc.) and includes a detailed summary of all of the public input received.
Environmental Justice Workshop Summary Report
Due to the importance of local Environmental Justice (EJ) issues, the City of Lathrop in an effort to continue to involve and engage the community on local issues of importance, held a standalone workshop focusing specifically on EJ issues in Lathrop. The Environmental Justice Summary Report (pdf) summarizes the public’s participation and input received during the General Plan Update’s Environmental Justice Workshop conducted on June 27th 2019.
Community Vision Document
The Lathrop Community Vision (pdf) is an aspirational statement of what Lathrop wants to become through the implementation of its General Plan. The Vision Statement provides a sense of purpose and mission for the General Plan, and sets the tone for the Plan’s guiding principles and core values to aid in the development of goals, policies and actions that will guide development in the coming years.
Community Events and Meetings
To view the Project Kickoff Presentation to the City Council on March 12, 2018, please click here (pdf).
Presentations from the four completed Visioning Workshops are available at the following links:
Visioning Workshop #1 - Key Priorities and Growth Areas (pdf)
Visioning Workshop #2 - Guiding Principles, Vision Statement, and Placemaking (pdf)
Visioning Workshop #3 - Circulation and Mobility (pdf)
Visioning Workshop #4 - Environmental Justice (pdf)
Project Newsletters
Newsletter #1
The City of Lathrop recently released the General Plan Update's first newsletter. Please download the document (pdf - Spanish version here) to learn more about the topics covered by and the process involved with completing the Update, including opportunities for you to participate in the project!
Newsletter #2
Learn about upcoming meetings, how to participate, and more about the project and available documents to date. Download Newsletter #2 (pdf - Spanish version here)
Newsletter #3
For updates on project details, please download the Spring 2022 General Plan Newsletter (pdf, Spanish version)
City Documents
Current General Plan (pdf)
2015-2023 Housing Element (pdf)
Current Zoning Map (pdf)
Mossdale Village (Mossdale Landing, Mossdale Landing East, and Mossdale Landing South plans and related documents)
River Islands at Lathrop: Urban Design Concept and Neighborhood Design Plans for neighborhoods