
Welcome to the Lathrop General Plan Update website. The General Plan is a long-range planning document that is considered the City’s “constitution” or blueprint, because it guides growth, traffic patterns, housing, and resources conservation. This website provides up-to-date information on the General Plan Update process.

The General Plan update process was completed in September 2022, following a multi-year process that involved extensive community outreach. On September 19, 2022, the Lathrop City Council voted to adopt the General Plan Update and certify the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

The adopted General Plan can be downloaded here (pdf).

Final EIR
The project team has completed the Final EIR (pdf). The Final EIR includes all public comments received on the Draft EIR, written responses to those comments, and minor edits and revisions to the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR is formally incorporated by reference into the Final EIR.

Draft EIR
The Draft EIR analyzes the potential environmental impacts associated with adoption and implementation of the General Plan. The EIR is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

The Draft EIR can be downloaded here (pdf).
The Draft EIR Appendices can be downloaded here (pdf).